Year 3 Author Zoom Session

Today, Year 3 enjoyed a Zoom call with Hamza Yassin. They learned all about his book and the travels he has been on.

All the children were fascinated by his pictures and some general knowledge facts.

Do you know how much milk a baby blue whale can drink in a day? (A bathful of milk).

Do you know who the slowest animal in the world is? (A sloth)

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Preparatory School

Broomfield Lane
Hale Cheshire WA15 9AS

Let's Connect

Mrs Ruth Vayro | Headteacher

0161 928 2386

Who We Are

Hale Preparatory School is a completely independent, co-educational school for children from the age of 4 to 11. The school is situated in the village of Hale, near Altrincham, Cheshire.