

HPS - Maths Curriculum Aims

  • Develop and improve skills in counting, understanding, and using numbers.
  • Calculate simple addition and subtraction problems.
  • Describe shapes, spaces, and measures.
  • Acquire mathematical vocabulary.
  • Understand concepts of time and distance.
  • Be able to read mathematical notation.
  • Introduced to the logical recording of their work.
  • Mathematics is taught daily by specialist teachers.

Mathematics is an essential part of a balanced curriculum that is well-matched and challenging to the learner's needs. All pupils should become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics with the ability to communicate mathematically when reasoning and solving problems by applying their mathematical understanding.

Mathematics enables children to make sense of the numbers, patterns and shapes they see in the world around them. It offers ways of handling data in an increasingly digital world and contributes to their development as successful learners.

Hale Prep strives to teach an enthusiasm and love for maths. To achieve this, pupils should be confident when approaching the subject. Only when children have confidence can enjoyment and a sense of fulfilment be achieved. Initial confidence results once the children have a sound knowledge of the basic processes and concepts. At Hale Prep, this is achieved by the interaction of several factors:

  • The size of the class ensures considerable pupil-teacher interaction.
  • The high staff ratio allows considerable small groups and, on occasion, individual tuition.
  • Whilst textbooks written by staff members are often used, most work is bespoke for the class.

Once confidence has been achieved, pupils can be introduced to problems requiring them to develop strategies explaining that there is no single way of tackling investigatory problems. At this stage, pupils will begin to appreciate that maths can be an enjoyable and interesting subject.

The school places importance on a constant valuation of each pupil's progress, which can be measured against each child's current level of intellectual development. This is achieved by using a commercial scheme of assessment, half-termly tests, internal exams and, of course, reference to the twice-weekly maths homework. All are supplemented by questioning in lessons.

Most pupils sit the examinations for the local grammar schools and the independent grammar schools. The width of the maths curriculum ensures that the pupils can confidently approach all examinations. Confidence is enhanced by practice examinations under examination conditions.

Tests are carried out to assess each year group's age-related and individual expectations. Along with evidence in books and from lessons, assessment weeks are held termly using test papers to inform the teacher's decisions and to pinpoint gaps in children's learning that need consolidation or intervention.

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Preparatory School

Broomfield Lane
Hale Cheshire WA15 9AS

Let's Connect

Mrs Ruth Vayro | Headteacher

0161 928 2386

Who We Are

Hale Preparatory School is a completely independent, co-educational school for children from the age of 4 to 11. The school is situated in the village of Hale, near Altrincham, Cheshire.