Year 1: Gallery
General Waste, by Mrs Newman
Bar graphs, by Mrs Newman
Pop Art, by Mrs Newman
Pictograms, by Mrs Newman
Reading, by Mrs Newman
2simple, by Mrs Newman
Greater than statements, by Mrs Newman
Positive behaviour, by Mrs Newman
Infant Awards 16 Nov 2023, by Mrs Wilson
Children in Need, by Mrs Newman
Diwali, by Mrs Newman
Bug Club Phonics, by Mrs Wilson
This week's infant awards, by Mrs Wilson
Victorian toys, by Mrs Newman
Jumbled words, by Mrs Newman
Helicopter stories, by Mrs Newman
The Very Hungry Caterpillar, by Mrs Newman
Infant Awards 28 Sept, by Mrs Wilson
Victorian Toy Workshop, by Mrs Wilson
Infant Kindness Awards and Weekly Trophies 21 September 2023, by Mrs Wilson
Year 1 Mindful Colouring Club, by Mrs Wilson
Lots of smiles from Year 1!, by Mrs Wilson