Year 4: Gallery
Viking Longships, by Mrs Newman
Wet play, by Mrs Newman
Impressionism, by Mrs Newman
Informal letter, by Mrs Newman
Unihoc, by Mrs Newman
Fauvism, L.S Lowry and Levine, by Mrs Newman
The Butterfly Lion, by Mrs Newman
Investigating insulators and conductors, by Mrs Newman
Junior Awards 16 Nov 2023, by Mrs Wilson
Basketball, by Mrs Newman
Improper Fractions, by Mrs Newman
Simplifying Fractions, by Mrs Newman
Remembrance, by Mrs Newman
Investigating Static Electricity, by Mrs Newman
Science, by Mrs Newman
This Week's Junior Awards, by Mrs Wilson
Scary Spider!, by Mrs Wilson
Anglo-Saxon Raider, by Mrs Newman
Lowry 2paint, by Mrs Newman
Basketball, by Mrs Newman
Junior Awards 28 Sept, by Mrs Wilson
In science, Year 4 investigated the properties of solids, liquids and gases by comparing ice, water and air., by Mrs Wilson
Junior Miss Beryl Kindness Awards 21 September 2023, by Mrs Wilson
Junior Pupil of the Week 21 Sept 2023, by Mrs Wilson
Year 4 September 2023, by Mrs Wilson